It being Easter I gave a little lesson yesterday on how Jesus is not just a story but IS good news.  It says in I Corinthians 15 our only hope is in a resurrected Christ.  Tonight I am studying the last half of Romans 8 with a group.  I woke up thinking about the fact that we are “Just so many sheep to be slaughtered. ”   (But it doesn’t matter because God is using that in our redemption of our lives and even the creation.)  Then I read about what mankind has done to ourselves in  THIS  guys blog about the bad part of Ayn Rand’s philosophy.  It drove home to me that humanity is completely depraved and the farther we get from Christ the worse we get.  I have no doubt after reading this that there is a Hell.  God wouldn’t have to create it. All He has to do is step out of the picture and let us have at it.  Make sure you read all of his posts on Atlas Shrugged.